Click on the “Fill Out this Form to Become a Member” button below and fill out the form. You will then be a “Trial Member” and can make reservations and attend our tours for a maximum of thirty days. You will receive invitations to tours every few days.
Before the 30 days expires, reurn to this website and click on the “Payments” link at the top of the page and use your credit card to pay your $10 annual membership fee using the “Donate” button. (If you scroll down the page you will see a second “Donate” button where you pay any amount if you want to pay $20 or $30 in one payment.) You are now a paid member for the next 12 months.
If you have a spouse, they will also need to follow this process.
When you make a reservation for a tour you can easily search for and add another member to your reservation. (Only members can attend tours.)
If another member has already added you to their reservation, you will not be able to make your own reservation for that specific tour, but you will be notified as to who’s reservation you are on and your status on the Tour (Attendance List or Wait List).
Before becoming a member please click on the “About” link above and read the rules. Thanks.
The reason that I ask for your street address is not because I intend to use it but it does help me determine that you are a “real local person” and not some bored teenager in Idaho trying to cause trouble online.
The reason that I ask for your Zip code is because the group started out in Fairfield Glade but I am trying to get more of a balance with people from Crossville and the rest of Cumberland County.
As a member of Conrad Facility Tours you may be photographed on a tour and the image used on our Facebook Page or on our website.